Saturday, September 13, 2008

It was time to shine......

This morning i presented my posing routine at our clubs group fitness launch, and 


I was nervous but Mike said it did not show. I had such a blast. I remembered to smile, I held each pose, and most importantly I felt proud! It was such a good opportunity to see where i need to focus on the day.

One of the staff members took some great photos. I am really pleased with how everything is coming together. As soon as i get the pics I will post some up for you all to see. 

Then when I finished there was lots of applauding and cheering - and it was all for me!!!! I am finally realising that all my hard work and dedication is showing through. 

I need to eat - enjoy your day. xxx


LizN said...

Congratulations Maryanne!

See you soon :)

Maryanne said...

Thanks Liz! 12 days and I will be there in sunny QLD :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow Maryanne - you are totally shining darls! Keep it up and love to see some pics!!!! not long now!!!