Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Feeling much better...

I am feeling much better now I have got over my bout of gastro. It really took the stuffing out of me.... almost literally. Muscles looked flat, and energy levels were pretty low.... not helped by the fact my husband is on a business trip overseas this week.

Anyway, Tucker has been really good for me - like most kids he does try and turn it on when dad is away. I can only assume Mike's trip is going okay, he called on Monday night from Tokyo. He felt such a long way away.

My boss who has not seen me for 5 weeks could not get over the changes that I had made to my physique in that time...... great feedback. I was pretty excited. I am about to head in to the gym - she is going to help me train back. 

Will blog again later and let you know how it went.

Maryanne xxx

Had a great workout - ended up training on my own, but all was good. Put my ipod on, head down butt up so to speak and hit my back hard. Then finished with 30 minutes on the step mill. Since Monday when I added weights to legs and increased levels in cardio my butt has been burning bad baby - love it though because it can only mean good things. Am off to bed for an early night. xxx


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery Maryanne. I despise being sick and am the worst patient ever. LOL!!

Lia xxx

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are better! We are suffering the same babe! Time for the body to suck it up and move forward x